TRHC Receives 2019 Corporate Board Gender Diversity Award - AnewHealth

TRHC Receives 2019 Corporate Board Gender Diversity Award

Press Releases | Nov 01, 2019

Moorestown, NJ, November 1, 2019 – Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. (TRHC) (NASDAQ: TRHC), a healthcare technology company advancing the field of medication safety, was honored at Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ) A Seat at the Table Corporate Gender Diversity Awards Breakfast. The event took place on October 29, 2019.

TRHC was recognized among the 30 New Jersey public companies that have three or more women on their boards. The Company is especially proud to have a majority of its board members female.

“As a public company focused on healthcare technology and medication safety, we want to have the most knowledgeable and experienced individuals serving on our Board of Directors,” states TRHC Founder, Chairman and CEO Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD. “Five of our nine directors are women, offering their governance expertise and integrity on behalf of our clients, employees, and stakeholders. The women on our board are national and international leaders.”

The Corporate Board Gender Diversity Award is part of EWNJ’s efforts to ensure women have equal access to the boardroom and high-level executive leadership. The event will feature the exclusive release of EWNJ’s report on the number of women serving on boards and in the top leadership of public companies in New Jersey. The report, produced in collaboration with PwC, is the only one of its kind in the State.

“We are honored to be recognized by EWNJ for the inclusion and gender diversity of our Board of Directors,” says TRHC Co-founder and President Orsula V. Knowlton, PharmD. “It follows the recognition TRHC received earlier this month from the Forum of Executive Women as one of only 17 public companies in the Greater Philadelphia Region where women comprise 30% or more of their board of directors.” Dr. Orsula Knowlton adds, “I am often asked how we managed to have such a diverse, in particular gender diverse, Board of Directors at TRHC. My response is, we look for talented women for key roles, in particular, Board and Executive positions, and we find them. They are abundant and eager to step into these critical leadership positions. Companies need to decide that gender diversity is important, and then it can be done.”

“EWNJ is thrilled to present this year’s list of the 30 companies that are leading the way on women’s representation in senior governance as part of our fourth report on gender diversity in New Jersey,” stated Barbara E. Kauffman, President of EWNJ and EVP & COO of Newark Regional Business Partnership. “This year, we have the highest number of Honor Roll companies to date and it shows that, while there is still much more work to be done, our efforts are working. The undeniable impact of women’s leadership is being more fully recognized by the private sector in New Jersey. We salute all of our Honor Roll companies and look forward to partnering with them as we continue in pursuit of our mission to increase the number of women on corporate boards and in senior governance.”

“This year’s list reflects the progress companies have made since 2017 when our last list was published with 22 companies,” added Anna María Tejada, Esq., President-Elect of EWNJ, Co-Chair of A Seat at the Table, and Partner at Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, LLP. “We applaud these companies’ progress toward inclusion and diversity, and as quantified in EWNJ’s research, New Jersey’s business environment is stronger as a result.”

“We are delighted to welcome these companies to our Honor Roll. While it is encouraging that this year’s list has the highest number of companies since we began publishing it in 2014, the pace of progress remains woefully slow, particularly given the demonstrable business value that women’s leadership delivers both financially and operationally. There are a significant amount of companies that still need women in their leadership ranks and numerous women across the board who still need sponsors,” explained Faith Taylor, EWNJ Board Member, Co-Chair of A Seat at the Table, and Professor at Feliciano Business School of Montclair State University.

About EWNJ
Founded in 1980, EWNJ is the leading senior-level executive women’s organization that is committed to increasing the number of women serving on corporate boards and in the top leadership of New Jersey corporations. To this end, we publish a biennial report on the number of women on boards and in the senior governance of public companies in New Jersey. This report is the only one of its kind in the state.

EWNJ also hosts an array of events designed to offer women executives prime networking opportunities, to amplify our gender diversity advocacy efforts, and to raise funds for our work including our Graduate Merit Award Program, which is focused on establishing a pipeline of women leaders. As the largest provider of scholarships to women who are non-traditional graduate students in New Jersey, we are proud to have awarded over $1.3 million dollars to deserving candidates over the last 30 years.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements that we believe to be reasonable as of today’s date, including statements regarding Medication Risk Mitigation technology. Such statements are identified by use of the words “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “predicts,” “projects,” “should,” and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s expectations and assumptions as of the date of this press release. Actual results might differ materially from those explicit or implicit in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: the need to innovate and provide useful products and services; risks related to changing healthcare and other applicable regulations; increasing consolidation in the healthcare industry; managing our growth effectively; our ability to adequately protect our intellectual property; and the other risk factors set forth from time to time in our filings with the SEC, including those factors discussed under the caption “Risk Factors” in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K, filed with the SEC on March 1, 2019, and in subsequent reports filed with or furnished to the SEC, copies of which are available free of charge within the Investor Relations section of the TRHC website or upon request from our Investor Relations Department. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it was made. TRHC assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law, to reflect events or circumstances occurring after today’s date.

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