Why Can't I Eat Grapefruit? Foods That Interact with Medications - AnewHealth

Why Can’t I Eat Grapefruit? Foods That Interact with Medications

In The News | Sep 12, 2022

In an article in Next AvenueRobert Alesiani, PharmD, BCGP, Chief Pharmacotherapy Officer, discusses food-drug interactions, shedding light on adverse drug events and addressing timing when it comes to medication intake.

In particular, he shares why some drugs are better absorbed on an empty stomach, considered one hour before eating or two hours after eating.

The article also highlights MedWise® Science as a resource for pharmacists that can help identify possible problems.

As Dr. Alesiani notes, a MedWise trained pharmacist can help determine the best time of day to take medications so that all are effective and safe.

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