Talk To Your Pharmacist Podcast Featuring Jenny Bingham, PharmD, BCACP - AnewHealth

Talk To Your Pharmacist Podcast Featuring Jenny Bingham, PharmD, BCACP

In The News | Nov 25, 2019

In this episode, Jenny Bingham, PharmD, BCACP, discusses telepharmacy services. Dr. Jenny Bingham, is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at SinfoniaRx. Throughout her career, she has launched several novel programs aimed to improve the quality of care for patients in a variety of settings. She manages a transition of care program that has led to: reduced readmission rates at 30-, 60-, and 90-days post-discharge; decreased Medicare beneficiary expenditures; and a substantial return-on-investment. Dr. Bingham is committed to advancing the pharmacy profession through telehealth pharmacist-delivered mental health services, as seen by her involvement with multiple grant programs and readmission reduction services for serious mental illness patients.

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