TRHC's CareKinesis Creates First Science-Based Personalized Medication Risk Score - AnewHealth

TRHC’s CareKinesis Creates First Science-Based Personalized Medication Risk Score

Press Releases | Aug 16, 2017

Moorestown, NJ (August 15th 2017) – CareKinesis, a division of Tabula Rasa HealthCare (NASDAQ:TRHC), a medication risk management services and comprehensive PACE-focused pharmacy, is launching the first science-based total Medication Risk Score that will help clinicians pinpoint areas to improve medication quality and safety.

The Medication Risk Score serves as a quick and easy way for clinicians to assess which participants are at highest risk for drug problems and require medication management attention. This scoring system was developed over the last five years by CareKinesis and Tabula Rasa HealthCare (TRHC) research and development staff. The measure uses a 0 to 50 scale to evaluate pharmacokinetic risks (related to drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) and pharmacodynamics risks (related to mechanisms of action and drug effects). The Medication Risk Score was validated through data analysis for more than 800,000 individuals and is being used by TRHC in a large-scale CMS innovation model.

In addition to helping clinicians understand medication risks, the score also has been demonstrated to correlate directly with medical expenditures. Lower risk scores are therefore associated with lower expenditures. While conventional models assess risk through analysis of chronic disease and cost, the Medication Risk Score is based entirely on accumulative multi-drug risk, which is wholly actionable by a clinician. These identified actionable medication risks can be then remediated or mitigated by the PACE clinical team and CareKinesis pharmacist.

According to CareKinesis President, Orsula V. Knowlton, PharmD, MBA, “The Medication Risk Scoring system will help our collective teams to become even more engaged with the data, fostering an increase in medication safety.” CareKinesis aims to reduce participants’ risk scores over time, as gradual medication regimen changes are safest. “Our PACE clients want to keep their participants safely in the community, avoiding hospital and facility-based long-term care. These Medication Risk Scores are the measure to allow us to do just that and help reduce medical costs.” The Medication Risk Score launches for use in PACE on September 1, 2017.

PACE organizations nationwide rely on CareKinesis to improve medication safety and adherence and to reduce hospitalizations and recidivism. CareKinesis accomplishes this through prospective, geriatric-trained and board certified pharmacist medication management services in collaboration with PACE prescribers, a proprietary electronic medication platform that includes its Medication Risk Mitigation Matrix®, adherence packaging choices, and flexible medication access options.

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