TRHC Chief Strategic Growth Officer to Present at Innovation Showcase - AnewHealth

TRHC Chief Strategic Growth Officer to Present at Innovation Showcase

Press Releases | Mar 18, 2019
Brian Litten

Moorestown, N.J., March 18, 2019 – Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRHC) Chief Strategic Growth Officer, Brian Litten, Esq., is presenting at the Innovation Showcase sponsored by the New Jersey Innovation Institute and the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute. Mr. Litten will be presenting in the “Value” track of the program on “Advancing Value through the Science of Personalized Medication Management”.

TRHC is a healthcare technology company advancing the field of medication safety. As TRHC’s Chief Strategic Growth Officer, Mr. Litten is responsible for developing, executing, and sustaining corporate strategic growth initiatives. These initiatives include the evaluation of payer, health system, provider, international, and strategic channel partner models, and value-based contracting.

TRHC’s healthcare technology optimizes medication safety by deploying new medication risk mitigation digital software solutions and novel, proprietary medication decision support tools. Results are improved patient outcomes, reduced hospitalizations, lower healthcare costs, and managed risk.

The theme for the 2019 Annual Innovation Showcase is “Using Data to Drive Value Innovation”. The objective is to “facilitate a conversation among technology experts, policy experts and providers about using data to drive value innovation”.

Innovation Showcase will be held at the Wellness and Events Center Arena in Newark, New Jersey, March 21, 2019. Mr. Litten will be presenting from 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm.

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