TRHC CEO Receives PACT 2016 Enterprise Award - AnewHealth

TRHC CEO Receives PACT 2016 Enterprise Award

Press Releases | Jun 03, 2016
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Moorestown, NJ (June 3, 2016) – Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Calvin H. Knowlton has been named the 2016 Technology CEO of the Year by the Greater Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT).

Technology CEO of the Year Award recognizes individuals for their management accomplishments and philosophy, including the ability to communicate a vision and goals as achieved by the company; leadership and impact in the industry and/or market; attraction and retention of talented resources; financial growth and success and a strategy for continued success; and community and industry involvement.

While accepting the award, Honoree Knowlton graciously thanked PACT and his colleagues and family, then turned his attention to the younger entrepreneurs in the audience currently nurturing their own practices. Citing the Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!, he zeroed in on personal hubris. “While hubris often provokes self-confidence that germinates strategy, success requires more than great strategies,” said Knowlton. “And, in Greek tragedies, recall that hubris (arrogance) is always followed by nemesis (revenge). To change the hubris, I believe that our practices require both ‘strategy virtues’ and ‘culture virtues.’ Strategy virtues set the direction. Culture virtues set attitudes and behaviors.”

Calvin H. Knowlton, BScPharm, MDiv, PhD is a serial entrepreneur having founded eleven (11) companies. Prior to starting Tabula Rasa HealthCare (as CareKinesis) in 2009, he founded excelleRx, Inc., which within 10 years grew to be the largest national hospice medication management pharmacy in the U.S.

Knowlton’s management and leadership skills are evident in the performance of individual employees and the company as a whole. From start-up, TRHC has achieved goals in key metrics: revenues grew to $70 million in 2015; currently operating in 20 states with 122 clients; offices in 6 states with approximately 200 employees. Knowlton attracted investments from founders, angels and venture capitalists, which have allowed the company to grow and diversify, acquiring 4 companies. Today, TRHC is a family of synergistic companies devoted to leveraging technology that enables healthcare organizations to optimize medication regimens to improve patient outcomes, reduce hospitalizations, lower healthcare costs and manage risk.

“We have developed solutions to address the needs of patients and their providers and payers”, said Knowlton. “TRHC results include enhanced medication-related outcomes and greater operational efficiency. The work we are doing in medication informatics, personalized medication management, and compliance/assurance is exciting and, we believe, game-changing.”

In addition to receiving the 2016 Technology CEO of the Year Award, Knowlton has received many awards over his career, including the 2015 Individual Health Care Innovator of the Year from the Philadelphia Business Journal; the 2015 Remington Honor Medal, the highest recognition given by the American Pharmaceutical Association; Entrepreneur of the Year, Health Sector, in both 2003 and 2013, from the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of E&Y, to name just a few.

Active in industry and community, Knowlton is the Board Chair -Elect of the Evergreens Retirement Community and serves on the Board of Directors Cooper Medical School of Rowan University and the Coriell Institute for Medical Research.

Knowlton received a Doctorate in Pharmacoeconomics from the University of Maryland, a Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a bachelor degree from Temple University (Pharmacy).

PACT Enterprise Awards are the “region’s most prestigious awards honoring investors, entrepreneurs, and companies that are pace-setters in innovation, leadership and advances in technology, healthcare and related fields.” Award winners were announced at a gala event before 900 attendees held on May 12 in Philadelphia, PA.

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