TRHC Announces Launch and Location of New Scientific Precision Pharmacotherapy Research & Development Institute - AnewHealth

TRHC Announces Launch and Location of New Scientific Precision Pharmacotherapy Research & Development Institute

Press Releases | Feb 21, 2019
2018 © Lake Nona

MOORESTOWN, N.J. and Orlando, Fla., February 21, 2019 – Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. (TRHC) (NASDAQ: TRHC), a healthcare technology company advancing the field of medication safety, today announced the launch of its Scientific Precision Pharmacotherapy Research and Development Institute. The Institute is based within Lake Nona Medical City in Orlando.

TRHC’s Scientific Precision Pharmacotherapy Research & Development Institute is committed to the development of proprietary products for optimizing medication regimens to improve patient outcomes, reduce utilization of healthcare services, lower healthcare costs, and manage risk. Additionally, the Institute will pursue validation and recognition of these products by the scientific and regulatory communities.

Jacques Turgeon, BPharm, PhD, TRHC’s Chief Scientific Officer, CEO of the TRHC Institute

Jacques Turgeon, BPharm, PhD, TRHC’s Chief Scientific Officer, has been named CEO of the TRHC Institute. Veronique Michaud, BPharm, PhD, will serve as Chief Operating Officer. According to Dr. Turgeon, the Institute will seek to establish partnerships with major academic and pharmaceutical entities in the region. “We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with world class organizations, including those established in the community. Our location in Lake Nona Medical City will enhance our ability to collaborate and form meaningful partnerships.”

According to TRHC Chairman and CEO, Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD, “The TRHC Institute will focus on continuing to enhance our clinical decision support tools through research, using pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics modeling, computer simulations, and computational modeling. The overall objective is to optimize and develop new products associated with TRHC’s innovative Medication Risk Mitigation™ and Medication Risk Stratification™ technologies. We are pleased to be a part of the innovation that is occurring in Lake Nona Medical City and to have the leadership of Drs. Turgeon and Michaud.”

The TRHC Institute’s research vision expands with the emerging research initiatives that include bioinformatics, biomedical engineering systems, nanoscale science, patient-specific information, data-driven technologies and solutions, and translational research.

The formal announcement of TRHC’s Institute was made today by Drs. Knowlton and Turgeon during the 2019 Lake Nona Impact Forum which, according to the Forum’s website, is “committed to leading the conversation for building the Wellbeing Ecosystem of the Future, by exploring the intersections of health, wellness, medical and scientific innovation and strategies to optimize human performance.”

Dr. Turgeon is internationally recognized for his excellence in research and pharmacy education. He has received more than $70 million in research awards, authored more than 130 peer-reviewed articles, and mentored dozens of students. His research interests focus on the factors responsible for the inter-subject variability in drug response. He is renowned for his expertise in the role of pharmacogenetics in cardiovascular drug actions.

Dr. Michaud’s unique expertise in pharmacokinetics, drug-metabolism, drug-drug interactions, pharmacogenomics, and the study of intracellular drug-metabolism will help expand the products developed by the Institute for TRHC. During her career, she has earned more than $22 million in research awards, published more than 35 peer-reviewed journal articles, and mentored graduate students and PharmD residents. She completed fellowships at Indiana University in Indianapolis and McGill University in Montreal and earned her PhD and MSc degrees from the Université de Montréal in Canada.

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