Tabula Rasa HealthCare Receives PACT 2015 Enterprise Award for Top Health Care Innovator Company - AnewHealth

Tabula Rasa HealthCare Receives PACT 2015 Enterprise Award for Top Health Care Innovator Company

Press Releases | May 28, 2015

Moorestown, NJ (May 28, 2015) – Tabula Rasa Healthcare, Inc. is the winner of the PACT 2015 Enterprise Awards for Healthcare Innovator Company of the Year. The announcement was made at a gala event held May 14 in Philadelphia, PA. A first-time Enterprise Award category, Healthcare Innovator recognizes companies that are providing “an innovative solution that has the potential to make a large and positive impact on cost, quality, and/or access in health care”.

Sponsored by Independence Blue Cross, the Health Care Innovator Award citation described the winner: “Tabula Rasa HealthCare (TRHC) is a family of companies devoted to leveraging technology to improve healthcare. TRHC develops offerings for the ever-growing segment of the healthcare system that is “at risk”. As providers grapple with new reimbursement models, as managed and accountable care organizations continue to expand, and as new partnerships emerge between payers and providers, they seek new ways to better manage their risk. TRHC offers those tools and services.”

TRHC Chairman and CEO, Calvin H. Knowlton, BSPharm, MDiv, PhD thanked Dean E. Miller, PACT President and CEO, the judges and the TRHC team members for this welcomed award. “We are honored to have been selected for this prestigious award for healthcare innovation,” said Knowlton. “The work we are doing in medication informatics, personalized medication management, and compliance/assurance is exciting and, we believe, game changing.”

Partnering with healthcare organizations in the vanguard of coordinated care, TRHC results include enhanced medication-related outcomes and greater operational efficiency.

The Enterprise Awards are the Greater Philadelphia Region’s most prestigious business honors for technology and life science companies, leaders and entrepreneurs.

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