SmartCEO Recognizes Tabula Rasa Healthcare for its Top Corporate Culture - AnewHealth

SmartCEO Recognizes Tabula Rasa Healthcare for its Top Corporate Culture

Press Releases | Nov 03, 2016

Moorestown, NJ (November 3, 2016) – Tabula Rasa HealthCare (NASDAQ:TRHC) President Orsula V. Knowlton, PharmD, announced today the Company is being honored for its corporate culture by SmartCEO Magazine. The Award “recognizes Greater Philadelphia companies that have successfully championed a positive, productive and performance-driven culture, and have worked with their employees to develop successful cultural practices”.

“Tabula Rasa HealthCare’s Vision is to be the world’s most trusted medication risk and fiscal mitigation provider; our Credo is using our experience and talent to help others; our Mission is to enrich lives by measurably enhancing quality, improving outcomes and fostering excellence for our clients,” stated President Knowlton.

According to Jaime Nespor-Zawmon, President of SmartCEO, “The 2016 Corporate Culture Award winners have realized that running a company is more than head count and the bottom line. It’s about creating a place where creativity, energy and ideas are cultivated. Through this they are able to not only enhance performance and sustain their companies’ competitive advantages, but also enrich the lives of those they employ and inspire to make a greater impact on the world.”

The essence of TRHC’s culture is captured in its 32 “Fundamentals” that are the foundation of its unique culture. It is called: The TRHC Way. “We believe working on our culture is one of the most important opportunities we have to separate ourselves from the competition and become a truly world-class company,” said TRHC Chairman and CEO Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD.

Winners will be profiled in the November/December issue of SmartCEO magazine and celebrated at an awards ceremony December 13, 2016.

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