Long-Term Use of Acid Reflux Drugs May Increase Your Risk of Dementia - AnewHealth

Long-Term Use of Acid Reflux Drugs May Increase Your Risk of Dementia

In The News | Aug 10, 2023

Heathline reports on a new study on popular acid reflux meds and risk for dementia. For insight on these medications, known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), Healthline turned to Chief Pharmacotherapy Officer Robert Alesiani. PPIs are widely prescribed, according to Robert – especially among older adults.

He notes, “As a majority of all dementia patients are diagnosed after 65 years of age and one can assume that over half of those patients are also taking a PPI, there is a high likelihood that someone diagnosed with dementia, after the age of 65 is also taking a PPI.” Robert adds, “It doesn’t mean the PPI was responsible.”

Robert also talks about alternatives to PPIs, including a different type of medication, liquid or chewable antacids, and certain lifestyle modifications people can make to address excess stomach acid.

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