Industry Experts Forecast What May Come in 2023 - AnewHealth

Industry Experts Forecast What May Come in 2023

In The News | Feb 01, 2023

HomeCare magazine shares forecasts of what may come in 2023, including insight from Carlos Perez, Executive Vice President, CareVention HealthCare. Carlos discusses Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and why it’s important for individual well-being to ensure all medications and their doses work together safely and optimally. He also points out that traditional medication therapy management targets people according to how many different drugs they take and the number of chronic diseases. On the other hand, modern, more sophisticated technologies can simultaneously analyze how all of the drugs being taken interact with each other.

Beyond optimizing drug therapy, Carlos shares that PACE programs have opportunities to enhance efficiencies and reduce costs in other areas of operation.

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