CareKinesis CEO Named 2015 Health Care Innovator of the Year - AnewHealth

CareKinesis CEO Named 2015 Health Care Innovator of the Year

Press Releases | Oct 16, 2015

Moorestown, NJ, October 16, 2015 – CareKinesis CEO, Calvin H. Knowlton, BSPharm, MDiv, PhD, has been named “Individual Health Care Innovator of the Year” by the Philadelphia Business Journal. The Award will be presented October 22 at the Crystal Tea Room in Philadelphia, PA.

The purpose of the award is “to recognize those companies, products and individuals that are leading the pack in bringing break-through innovation in healthcare and the life sciences to the greater Philadelphia community.”

Dr. Knowlton is the Co-founder and CEO of CareKinesis, a leader in providing patient-specific, data-driven technology and solutions that enable health care organizations to optimize medication regimens to improve patient outcomes, reduce hospitalizations, lower health care costs and manage risk.

“We believe we are at the forefront of precision medicine with solutions that help our clients tailor medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient. Health care organizations are starting to recognize the need for personalization to reduce trial and error prescribing, improve outcomes such as reducing hospitalizations and ER visits to a ‘new normal,’ lessening utilization, and reducing total costs,” said Dr. Knowlton.

Dr. Knowlton has won numerous awards for his leadership in pharmacy, business, and philanthropy in his career spanning over 30 years, including the 2003 and the 2013 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Greater Philadelphia Region, and the 2004 Walter M. Aikman Entrepreneur of the Year Award. He was selected as the Most Influential U.S. Pharmacist in 1997. Most recently, Dr. Knowlton was recognized by the American Pharmacist Association with the 2015 Remington Honor Medal for distinguished service on behalf of American pharmacy.

Dr. Knowlton has been elected and served as the President for the American College of Apothecaries, President of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) and President of the American Pharmacists Association Foundation. He currently serves on the Board and Executive Committee of the Coriell Institute for Medical Research and chairs the Board of Coriell Life Sciences, Inc. He serves on the Board of the Cooper Medical School of Rowan University and the Board (Session) of the First Presbyterian Church in Moorestown NJ. He is a former member of Board of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. Currently, Dr. Knowlton is a member of the APhA Pharmacogenomics Task Force, as well as the FDA recognized, National Pharmacogenomics Advisory Group.

Dr. Knowlton received his pharmacy degree from Temple University, his divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, and his PhD in pharmacoeconomics from the University of Maryland. He served as Professor and Department Chair for the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia in the 1990s. He has authored and co-authored text books, book chapters, and articles focused on the role and responsibility of pharmacists in the outcomes of patient-centered medication care.

Philadelphia Business Journal: 2015 Health Care Innovator Awards: Meet the Winners

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