A Message from Tabula Rasa HealthCare - AnewHealth

A Message from Tabula Rasa HealthCare

Press Releases | Jun 05, 2020

June 5, 2020

Recently, we have seen the overwhelming pain and hurt wrapped in those heart-wrenching cries for help: ‘I can’t breathe. Please stop. I can’t breathe.’ Systemic racism is another ‘virus’ that we must address. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor are just three names in a span of generations of untimely and unjust deaths.

As we witnessed the heartbreak across America, especially in our communities of color, we will not pretend to know the fear, violence, weariness, anger or despair these communities carry all the time. What we can commit to is bringing change through our Fundamentals and the TRHC Way. As a company, we have been driven to be different in how we treat our clients, different in how we work with each other, and different in the results we achieve. Our core values will drive our commitment to champion an inclusive community for all.

We can take ownership by rejecting indifference (e.g., It’s not my problem); rejecting instinctive claims of innocence (e.g., I’m not racist); and rejecting helplessness (e.g., I can’t do anything about it). We can do the right thing, always, by speaking up when we see acts of injustice that are not core to our principles and beliefs. We can play an active role in changing the dialogue in our communities by listening generously to understand that, while we all have different races, ethnicities, and backgrounds if we work together we can build communities of inclusion, respect, understanding, and equity.

The road ahead will not be easy and there will be even more challenges as we move forward. Our commitment to those we serve is to provide open dialogue to create a more equitable community.

Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD
Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO

Orsula V. Knowlton, PharmD, MBA
Tabula Rasa HealthCare CO-Founder and President

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