5 Questions With Carlos Perez, Executive Vice President, CareVention HealthCare - AnewHealth

5 Questions With Carlos Perez, Executive Vice President, CareVention HealthCare

In The News | Jan 12, 2023

HomeCare Mag asked Carlos Perez, Executive Vice President of TRHC’s CareVention HealthCare division, key questions on care coordination and medication management in Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).

In the Q&A, Carlos shares, “PACE programs are uniquely positioned to provide participants enrolled in their programs with comprehensive wrap around care using an interdisciplinary approach.” He notes that PACE prescribers can work with clinical pharmacists to optimize drug therapy.

Carlos also addresses health literacy issues and fragmented support, which can leave the elderly vulnerable. In particular, he points to the traditional one-to-one approach to managing medications and how it can lead to increased risk of harm.

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