2020 Women on Boards Honors Tabula Rasa HealthCare for Having at Least 20% Women on its Corporate Board - AnewHealth

2020 Women on Boards Honors Tabula Rasa HealthCare for Having at Least 20% Women on its Corporate Board

Press Releases | Mar 19, 2020

Moorestown, NJ (March 19, 2020) Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. (“TRHC”) (NASDAQ: TRHC). 2020 Women on Boards, the premier global education and advocacy campaign committed to increasing the number of women on corporate boards, has recognized TRHC as a Winning “W” company, because its 2019 corporate board had at least 20% women directors.

TRHC has five female directors out of nine total board members, 55% of its corporate board seats. 2020 Women on Boards (2020WOB) annually tracks, analyzes and reports on the progress of numbers of women on the Russell 3000 company boards. As a campaign dedicated to education and collaboration, 2020WOB recognizes companies that exhibit good corporate governance. A “Winning” company is identified among Russell 3000 public corporations for having achieved the goal of at least 20% of its board seats held by women.

In 2019, the Russell 3000 reached the historic national landmark of 20.4% women holding corporate board positions, up from 17.7% in 2018, per the Gender Diversity Index report that 2020 Women on Boards publishes annually.

“TRHC is a better company for the gender diversity of both our Board of Directors and our employee base,” said TRHC Chairman and CEO Calvin H. Knowlton, PhD. “Currently, 60% percent of our employees are women. We gain immensely from different perspectives, backgrounds, and skill sets. We consistently strive to leverage our diversity to help drive business success.”

“It’s even more critical now, at a time when the business world is transforming a total shift in board governance practices, that we applaud leading companies, including Tabula Rasa HealthCare, that appreciate having business-savvy women on their boards as a competitive advantage,” said Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, CEO of 2020 Women on Boards. “Even with the positive national momentum, U.S. companies are still a long way from gender balance in the boardroom. And Tabula Rasa HealthCare is showing the way.”

About 2020 Women on Boards (2020WOB)
2020 Women on Boards (2020WOB), a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is the leading global education and advocacy campaign driving the movement toward gender balance on corporate boards of directors. Founded in 2010, the campaign established its initial goal that by 2020 at least 20% of all public company board seats in the U.S. would be held by women. The target was met a year early, achieving 20.4% in 2019, and the campaign will launch a new brand and campaign mission in January 2021. Its annual research will continue to track, analyze and publish the statistics of women on the boards of Russell 3000 companies in its Gender Diversity Index report and accessible within their Gender Diversity Directory online at www.2020WOB.com. The campaign is also expanding globally to as many as 40 cities within the U.S. and abroad. Educate. Collaborate. Advocate. Celebrate!  www.2020WOB.com

2020WOB Media Relations contact:
Caitlin McShane
Principal, EMC Strategies
415-225-8855 | @caitlinmcshane

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