Tabula Rasa HealthCare company profile: involvement in pharmacogenomic and personalized medicine research - AnewHealth

Tabula Rasa HealthCare company profile: involvement in pharmacogenomic and personalized medicine research

Research Publications | 2 Minute Read

Adriana Matos, Pamela Dow, Jennifer M Bingham, Veronique Michaud, Lawrence J Lesko, Calvin H Knowlton & Jacques Turgeon

Tabula Rasa HealthCare

Tabula Rasa HealthCare (TRHC) improves health by creating patient-specific, data-driven technology and solutions that empower pharmacists, providers and patients to optimize medication regimens. TRHC is trusted to improve medication outcomes, reduce hospitalizations, lower healthcare costs and manage risk.

Medication safety imperatives

Medication overload is a growing problem in the USA. The Lown Institute attributes medication overload to negative prescribing cultures, knowledge gaps and fragmentation of care due to inadequate communication among providers [1]. Nationally, about 40% of older adults take five or more prescription medications, and almost 20% take 10 or more [2]. Thus, medication overload is predicted to account for at least 4.6 million hospitalizations and 150,000 premature deaths between 2020 and 2030 and will cost taxpayers, patients and families an estimated USD $62 billion if current prescribing trends continue [1,3].

The most recognized contributor to this condition of medication overload is excessive prescribing, or overprescribing. Another significant contributor to medication overload is unsafe drug selection. Too often, medication-related problems originate from drug–drug interactions, multidrug interactions, drug–gene interactions (DGIs), phenotype conversions, and other issues for which explanations are rooted in the deep sciences of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenomics.

TRHC is addressing these medication safety imperatives by developing systems that simplify the medication science to help clinicians reduce inappropriate medication use and to promote and enable safer prescribing.

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