Precision Medicine: Applied Concepts of Pharmacogenomics in Patients with Various Diseases and Polypharmacy - AnewHealth

Precision Medicine: Applied Concepts of Pharmacogenomics in Patients with Various Diseases and Polypharmacy

Research Publications | 1 Minute Read

Precision medicine proposes that the current knowledge and technologies be used to tailor medical decisions, treatments, practices or products to individual patients. This domain has evolved significantly from the studies of Pythagoras with fava beans 510 BC, to Snyder’s study on phenothiocarbamide in 1932, to Vogel who coined the term “pharmacogenetics” and the first textbook on pharmacogenetics by Kalow in 1962, to the first approval of a pharmacogenetic test by the FDA in 2005, and finally, to researches conducted since the Precision Medicine Initiative launched at the 2015 State of The Union address by President Obama. We propose to assemble a series of original publications on “Applied Concepts of Pharmacogenomics in Patients with Multiple Diseases and Polypharmacy”. This collection of articles should become a source of information for healthcare providers eager to apply in their clinical activities new concepts of Precision Medicine.

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