Infographic: 5 Reasons Pharmacists are Significant Members of the Clinical Care Team - AnewHealth

Infographic: 5 Reasons Pharmacists are Significant Members of the Clinical Care Team

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As highly trained healthcare professionals, pharmacists play an essential role in patient care. Traditionally, they have been responsible for dispensing medications and providing medication counseling to patients. However, as healthcare has become more complex, they have become increasingly involved in direct patient care as part of clinical care teams.

Pharmacists’ expertise in medications and medication management is fundamental to the positive impacts they can have on adherence and preventing adverse drug events. But when leveraged as members of a clinical care team, they have also shown the ability to help drive clinical outcomes while reducing costs and improving efficiencies.

This infographic highlights 5 reasons pharmacists can be significant members of clinical care teams and the role they can play in improving health outcomes.

5 Reasons Pharmacists are Significant Members of the Clinical Care Team Infographic

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