Improving Patient Outcomes Through the Integration of Pharmacogenomic Testing into Comprehensive Medication Management Care Models - AnewHealth

Improving Patient Outcomes Through the Integration of Pharmacogenomic Testing into Comprehensive Medication Management Care Models

Research Publications | 1 Minute Read

Jennifer M. Bingham, Veronique Michaud, Kristin Wiisanen, Jill Bates, Anthony P. Morreale, Philip E. Empey, Rustin D. Crutchley, Ghada Elnashar, Jane Gilbert, and Jacques Turgeon

Writing on behalf of the Get the Medications Right Institute


The role of pharmacogenomics in the clinical setting is shifting from a reactive testing approach toward a preemptive model. Since many clinicians have embraced comprehensive medication management (CMM), the goal of this white paper is to educate healthcare professionals on the value of precision medicine and pharmacogenomic testing services in CMM care models. We will also explore methods for implementation, reimbursement opportunities, and present evidence to support its role in mitigating polypharmacy and optimizing medication regimens, patient outcomes, and cost savings.

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