How Should Physicians and Pharmacists Collaborate to Motivate Health Equity in Underserved Communities? - AnewHealth

How Should Physicians and Pharmacists Collaborate to Motivate Health Equity in Underserved Communities?

Research Publications | 1 Minute Read

Sara Shahdoost Moghadam, PharmD and Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH, CDCES


Physicians, pharmacists, and other health professionals play an important role in addressing social determinants of health and health disparities. Pharmacists have been addressing social determinants of health for years in all populations that experience health disparities by working as vital members of their communities and interacting on a regular basis with patients. The case presented in this article highlights social determinants’ roles in health outcomes and how pharmacists contribute to improving them. In collaboration, pharmacists and physicians can help reduce costs and optimize health outcomes.

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