Extending the CMMI Enhanced Medication Therapy Management Model to Ensure the Safety of Medicare Beneficiaries - AnewHealth

Extending the CMMI Enhanced Medication Therapy Management Model to Ensure the Safety of Medicare Beneficiaries

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Dear Secretary Becerra:
On behalf of the undersigned organizations representing patients, providers, public and private sector purchasers, health care innovators, pharmacy stakeholders, and health plans, we urge you to extend the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) Part D Enhanced Medication Therapy Management Model (EMTM, the Model) that is set to expire on December 31, 2021. For the last four years, Medicare Part D beneficiaries enrolled in EMTM have benefitted from the innovations and clinical resources funded by the Model to ensure the safe use of medications as part of their care. Many EMTM interventions have demonstrated improved health outcomes and lower medical spending in Parts A and B, and closely align with best practices for medication therapy models that ensure safe, effective and appropriate medication use. In summary, EMTM continues to promote alignment of plan incentives, patient and physician satisfaction, and improved health outcomes, especially for vulnerable populations who stand to benefit the most from medication safety services, and is a step towards a more comprehensive and rational process of care to optimize medication use through Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM)1 in practice, including prospective management of medication risk.

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