4 Years In The Making - Pharmacist-Led Insights - AnewHealth

4 Years In The Making – Pharmacist-Led Insights

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New Research! 4 Years in the Making

TRHC is proud to present groundbreaking insights from years of pharmacist-led interventions and peer-reviewed research.

In 2017, Tabula Rasa HealthCare (TRHC) began participating in the CMS Innovation Center’s five-year Enhanced Medication Therapy Management (MTM) model. TRHC collaborated with pharmacies across the Midwest to provide personalized consultations to patients at risk for medication-related issues.* Under the Enhanced MTM model, collaborating pharmacy teams used TRHC’s MedWise Risk Score™ to target patients at risk for medication-related problems. Using medication decision support tools powered by MedWise® Science, pharmacists provided actionable insights to reduce patient risk, resulting in improved health outcomes and reduced medical costs. 

TRHC’s multifaceted Research and Development team has compiled insights from the pharmacist-led model into three peer-reviewed articles. The results are summarized in our most recent white paper.

“I am happy to report that almost every recommendation where the prescriber “acknowledged” has been made! It’s so awesome to actually see changes being made and hear patients telling me that they feel better or are having better health outcomes.”

–Cheri Schmit, Director of Clinical Pharmacy, Medicap Pharmacy

“The decision support tools are second to none! I have caught so many things that have improved patient well-being. They provide an in-depth view of what is going on with medication therapy and allow a pharmacist to be a pharmacist.”

–Trevor Bertsch, PharmDU-Save Pharmacy

The pharmacist recommended to gradually decrease the dosage of one of my medications and I feel significantly better. It has improved my quality of life and I am extremely happy for that!

–Clare, Patient

“After speaking with a pharmacist, I talked with my mom’s doctor about separating her medication times. Once this change was
made, I noticed that my mother seemed to be in less pain and her depressive symptoms improved greatly.”

–David, Caregiver

*In the Enhanced MTM model, TRHC serves Part D Region 25, which includes the following states: Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

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